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Student Classroom Desks

Test Preparation

OC Exam Preparation

What is the Opportunity Class (OC) Placement Test?

The Test consists of two examinations completed in one testing session at a designated location. Each examination consists of 35 multiple-choice questions. Students have 30 minutes to answer each examination. The examinations cover skills in English,

Thinking Skills and Mathematics.


This program specifically focuses on the limited requirements of the examination: Reading, Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills. Emphasis in the lessons leans towards exam technique, speed, accuracy, concentration and experience with multiple choice formats as well as providing practice in typical questions and sample tests.

 Course Structure

This program runs in Term 1 & Term 2 of Year 4 and students must

commence class from the first week of the whole course.


*Only Students seeking entry into OC Prep class are required to sit an entry test.*

Selective School Exam Preparation

What are Selective High Schools?

Selective high schools are designed to address the academic needs of gifted students with high potential who, without such provisions, may otherwise be lacking sufficient challenge from existing classmates to excel at an advanced academic standard. 

The examinations cover reading skills, writing skills, mathematical reasoning skills and thinking skills. It is held only in NSW and only on the designated test date each year.


• Develop valuable experience in test taking

• Develop advanced literal and inferential comprehensions skills

• Develop writing skills

• Develop mathematical skills and competencies

• Develop exam and time management techniques

• Develop confidence in test taking

OC 시험대비반


• 1교시 - Reading Comprehension (25문제 / 30분)

• 2교시 - Mathematical Reasoning (35문제 / 40분)

• 3교시 - Thinking Skills (30문제 / 30분)


테스트 점수는 다음과 같이 120점 만점의  배치 점수로 계산됩니다.


 테스트 시험 (100점) + 학교내신 (20점) 

Reading Comprehension 33.3점 + Mathematical reasoning 33.3점 + Thinking Skills

33.3점 = 

 테스트 총점 100점  

• Mathematical reasoning, Thinking Skills (2021년부터)

• Reading Comprehension 몇문제 맞고 틀리냐가 아니라 몇 등인지로 반영 (Scaled)

 학교내신 총점 20점   

• 영어 수학 각각 10점씩, 학교에서 제시한 내신을 Moderation이라는 과정을 통해서

  다시 조정된 점수(Moderated school assessment score)로 적용



주 1회 10주 과정, 180분 수업

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